Il rapporto “Sussidiarietà e…PMI per uno sviluppo sostenibile” è stato il punto di partenza dell’intervento del Dr. Massimo Carboniero, CEO di Omera, per parlare ai giovani presenti al 40° Meeting di Rimini di SUSSIDIARIETA’ e SOSTENIBILITA’, e di una visione collettiva condivisa che pone al centro l’ESSERE UMANO e il suo benessere.
The report "Subsidiarity and SMEs for sustainable development" was the starting point of the speech by Massimo Carboniero, CEO Omera, to talk to young people at the 40th Rimini Meeting about SUBSIDIARITY and SUSTAINABILITY, a shared collective vision focusing more and more on the HUMAN WELL-BEING.
Wednesday 21 August 2019
The report "Subsidiarity and SMEs for sustainable development" was the starting point of the speech by Massimo Carboniero, CEO Omera, to talk to young people at the 40th Rimini Meeting about SUBSIDIARITY and SUSTAINABILITY, a shared collective vision focusing more and more on the HUMAN WELL-BEING.