Event location

World Trade Center


Giovedì, 27 Giugno 2019 -


Russia is one of the largest customers for Italian metalworking machine tool manufacturers, who have been active in this market for many decades. In the first 11 months of 2018, exports of Made in Italy products grew by 10.8%, for a value of 88 million euros: the Russian market is the seventh largest customer in the world and the fifth in Europe.

The event, conceived by the Ministry of Economic Development, ICE-Agency and UCIMU SISTEMI PER PRODURRE, will be the occasion to present to the Russian and Eurasian partners the excellence of the Italian sector offer. It intends, in fact, to involve those companies that are already in charge of the Russian and Eurasian market or who intend to start a settlement project also through partnerships or joint ventures with local actors.

For more information click here Technology Forum Russia

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