The latest figures reported by UCIMU-Sistemi per Produrre indicate that in the third quarter machine tool orders fell by 18.6% compared to the same period in 2018. Positive is that many companies have diversified over the last decade their offer both as regards the geographical areas of destination and the product sectors.
Read the press release
SamuExpo è una fiera biennale internazionale per la lavorazione e il trattamento dei metalli e delle materie plastiche, e relative tecnologie, che si terrà a Pordenone Fiere (Italia) dal 06.02.2020 al 08.02.2020.
Samuexpo racchiude tre delle più importanti esposizioni tecniche di Pordenone Fiere: SAMUMETAL (utensili e tecnologie per la lavorazione dei metalli), SAMUPLAST (tecnologie e macchinari per materie plastiche) e SUBTECH (trattamento metalli).
OMERA sarà presente a Samuexpo con il proprio STAND 01 – PAD 3. Vi aspettiamo!
Maggiori informazioni sul sito
SamuExpo is an international biennial metalworking, subcontracting and plastic expo taking place in Pordenone Fiere (Italy) from 06.02.2020 to 08.02.2020.
Samuexpo encloses three of the most important technical fairs of Pordenone Fiere, which are SAMUMETAL, the exhibition on tools and technology for metalworking, SAMUPLAST, the exhibition on plastics, technology and machinery and SUBTECH, the exhibition on metalworking subcontracting.
OMERA will attend the event with its BOOTH 01, HALL 3. We will be waiting for you!
More information here:
TechniShow è la più grande e completa fiera del Benelux nel campo delle tecniche di produzione industriale, lavorazione di metalli, materie plastiche, accessori e strumenti. TechniShow unisce domanda e offerta in un modo unico.
OMERA sarà presente presso lo STAND D048 – PAD. 8 della propria agenzia di rappresentanza nei Paesi Bassi, la HOFFMANN METALCARE. Vi aspettiamo!
Maggiori informazioni sul sito
ATTENZIONE: manifestazione posticipata a settembre 2020 (01 - 04) a seguito della recente diffusione del Coronavirus nei paesi europei.
TechniShow is the largest and most complete trade fair in the Benelux in the field of industrial production techniques, processing and processing of metals, plastics, accessories and tools. TechniShow brings supply and demand together in a unique way.
OMERA will be present at STAND D048 - PAD. 8 of its representative agency in the Netherlands, HOFFMANN METALCARE. See you there!
More information here
ATTENTION: event postponed to September 2020, from 1st to 4th, following the recent spread of Coronavirus in European countries.
ITALY - The Extraordinary Commonplace
ITALY - The Extraordinary Commonplace
Installata la nuova linea di produzione in ottica 4.0 progettata da Omera che aumenta la produttività del cliente nello stampaggio di mensole per il settore del condizionamento aria.
The new 4.0 production line designed by Omera has been installed to increase customer productivity in stamping shelves for the air conditioning sector.
Now more than ever, the attention that OMERA has always paid to environmental and social sustainability is proving extremely useful in dealing with pandemic-related problems.
For the safety of our employees and of the many customers who visit us, we have adopted all the new indications provided by the protocols. In addition, we have put in place a series of even stricter internal procedures that guarantee maximum protection for people and safety in goods handling inside company premises.